- 1. 安卓批量安裝卸載備份恢復手機軟件 安卓軟件管家 v...
- 2. Sql數據庫自動備份恢復助手(擁有友好的操作界面) ...
- 3. D8系統備份恢復專家(全面支持win xp,win 7和vista系...
- 4. 小哨兵一鍵恢復(新一代安全快速的系統備份恢復工具...
- 5. UC保險箱S60V3(手機備份恢復工具) V1.0.0.1 簡體中...
- 6. UC保險箱塞班第五版(手機備份恢復工具) V1.0.0.1 簡...
- 7. FBackup(簡單好用的文件備份恢復工具) V4.6.253 多...
- 8. ERUNTgui(注冊表備份恢復工具)免費下載 V1.2.6
- 9. 雨過天晴電腦保護系統(極速電腦備份恢復軟件) V1...
- 10. 磁盤分區備份恢復軟件(OneKey Ghost) V6.5 中文免...
作者: 來源: 發布時間:2012-2-16 8:52:38 點擊:
2. 在客戶端啟動bacula的File Daemon
[root@baculaserver etc]#/usr/local/bacula/etc/bacula {start|stop|restart|status}
[root@baculaserver etc]#/usr/local/bacula/etc/bacula-fd {start|stop|restart|status}
1. 創建卷組
[root@baculaserver etc]# ./bconsole
Connecting to Director
1000 OK: 2012-02-15-dir Version: 5.0.1 (24 February 2010)
Enter a period to cancel a command.
*label #創建一個卷組
Automatically selected Catalog: MyCatalog
Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
Automatically selected Storage: dbsd
Enter new Volume name: webbak #卷組名稱,可隨意指定,指定完畢后,會在bacula-dir.conf中Device邏輯字段指定的/home/webbak下生成一個文件
Automatically selected Pool: dbpool
Connecting to Storage daemon dbsd at ...
Sending label command for Volume "webbak" Slot 0 ...
3000 OK label. VolBytes=202 DVD=0 Volume="webbak" Device="dbdev" (/home/webbak)
Catalog record for Volume "webbak", Slot 0 successfully created.
Requesting to mount dbdev ...
3906 File device "dbdev" (/home/webbak) is always mounted.
You have messages.
2. 執行備份
2.1 第一次增量備份,默認會是一個完全備份 #備份前fd中文件有index1.html
A job name must be specified.
The defined Job resources are:
1: webjob
2: Restoreweb
Select Job resource (1-2): 1 #選擇備份任務
Run Backup job
JobName: webjob
Level: Incremental
Client: 2012-02-15-fd
FileSet: dbfs
Pool: dbpool (From Job resource)
Storage: dbsd (From Job resource)
When: 2012-02-15 23:29:58
Priority: 10
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes
Job queued. JobId=1
2.2 第二次增量備份,只做增量操作 #備份前fd中文件有index1.html、index2.html
A job name must be specified.
The defined Job resources are:
1: webjob
2: Restoreweb
Select Job resource (1-2): 1
Run Backup job
JobName: webjob
Level: Incremental
Client: 2012-02-15-fd
FileSet: dbfs
Pool: dbpool (From Job resource)
Storage: dbsd (From Job resource)
When: 2012-02-15 23:37:00
Priority: 10
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes
Job queued. JobId=2
2.3 第三次備份,手動改為差異備份 #備份前fd中文件有index1.html、index2.html 、index3.html
A job name must be specified.
The defined Job resources are:
1: webjob
2: Restoreweb
Select Job resource (1-2): 1
Run Backup job
JobName: webjob
Level: Incremental
Client: 2012-02-15-fd
FileSet: dbfs
Pool: dbpool (From Job resource)
Storage: dbsd (From Job resource)
When: 2012-02-15 23:40:15
Priority: 10
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): mod #mod修改備份任務參數
Parameters to modify:
1: Level
2: Storage
3: Job
4: FileSet
5: Client
6: When
7: Priority
8: Pool
9: Plugin Options
Select parameter to modify (1-9): 1 #1表示選擇備份類別
1: Full
2: Incremental
3: Differential
4: Since
5: VirtualFull
Select level (1-5): 3 #3表示差異備份
Run Backup job
JobName: webjob
Level: Differential
Client: 2012-02-15-fd
FileSet: dbfs
Pool: dbpool (From Job resource)
Storage: dbsd (From Job resource)
When: 2012-02-15 23:40:15
Priority: 10
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes
Job queued. JobId=3
3. 查看備份狀態
Status available for:
1: Director
2: Storage
3: Client
4: All
Select daemon type for status (1-4): 1
2012-02-15-dir Version: 5.0.1 (24 February 2010) i686-pc-linux-gnu redhat Enterprise release
Daemon started 15- 212 23:05, 3 Jobs run since started.
Heap: heap=258,048 smbytes=65,799 max_bytes=113,185 bufs=204 max_bufs=231
Scheduled Jobs:
Level Type Pri Scheduled Name Volume
Differential Backup 10 16- 212 07:00 webjob *unknown*
Running Jobs:
Console connected at 15- 212 23:40
No Jobs running.
Terminated Jobs:
JobId Level Files Bytes Status Finished Name
1 Full 3 5 OK 15- 212 23:30 webjob
2 Incr 2 5 OK 15- 212 23:37 webjob
3 Diff 3 9 OK 15- 212 23:40 webjob
備份恢復上一篇:vps/lnmp,debian下安裝sendmail組件 下一篇: